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You may send a petition by means of electronic mail

Please read carefully the information on the procedure for submitting and examining electronic petitions addressed to the Public Services Agency (hereinafter “PSA”).

  1. The web page offers you the possibility to electronically submit to the PSA proposals, petitions, notifications, etc.
  2. The examination of petitions submitted to the PSA is carried out in strict compliance with the provisions of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 116/2018 and other normative acts.
  3. The petition must be signed by the author or by his/her representative empowered legally or based on the electronic signature, indicating his/her: last name, first name, domicile and a contact telephone number.
  4. After receiving the petitions the PSA has the right to verify the veracity of the information and request additional information.
  5. Petitions that do not contain the mandatory information required and do not meet the requirements for the electronic document, including the application of the electronic signature, will not be examined.
  6. If you have no electronic address and electronic signature, we recommend that you send the petition by post or place it in the mailbox for correspondence in the hall of the PSA, 42 Alexander Pushkin Street, Chisinau municipality, MD-2012.
Tipul petiționarului
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